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Get creative with engineering

When Nick isn’t working as a design engineer, he’s working on The3Engineers project – using his engineering skills to create eco-themed books for children.

Nick Parker


Hi, my name’s Nick and I’m a submarine design engineer. My discipline is systems engineering.

But on the side, I also have a side project called The3Engineers, and we are on a mission to raise awareness of environmental issues for children.

I really love my job, I get to problem solve everyday - there are some complex difficult challenges that we need to face. I get to work and interface with many different teams and disciplines to be able to solve problems, which is just fantastic.

So I got started as an engineer, so I ended up going to college after GCSEs and I became an electrician - so I spent 5 years as an apprentice electrician. After that, I decided to go to university, and study systems electrical engineering. From there, I joined Babcock my place of work, as a submarine design engineer, and I’ve been there for 10 years.

We used our engineering skills to create The3Engineers project, we used multiple processes and tools along the journey. We’ve designed the books effectively using requirements, all the way through to designing and analysing rhyming patterns in books that we currently enjoy reading, to be able to find our own winning formula, and to be able to have our own set of books.

I really enjoy The3Engineers project, it’s a passion of ours and has been for 3 years. I absolutely love seeing the end product, where we can actually see the children’s faces and engage with what we’ve created, and being able to see things, almost as an engineering design phase.

We can see it from concept all the way through to test and trial with the children. It’s really exciting to see how it comes together.

My advice to any young person who wants a career in engineering, is to follow your subjects, maths, and science, and continue that curiosity to try and solve problems.

Watch The3Engineers illustration journey and see Nick's books.

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NIck's matches are: Civilisation Saver, Cure Creator, Sea Crusader

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